Moncton's Laser Treatment Center
LaZer iZ Essential is Moncton’s best Laser Treatment Center. Whether you want to Quit Smoking or Lose Weight LaZer iZ Essential is the #1 Ranked Laser Treatment Center in Moncton NB. Read their Reviews from Satisfied Customers or Give Them a Call.
LaZer iZ Essential will help you stop smoking the easiest way possible.
For those few who need extra support our quit smoking program comes with an extended warranty program…
- Back up booster programs for those people who need additional support – 85% or so don’t need boosters!
and for what we term – repeat offenders…
- reduced rates within 4 weeks and after that it’s half price up to a year. Anytime this happens your follow up booster program starts all over again.
We are here to win and in this game failure is not an option – you see when you win we win.
Quit smoking in less than an hour!
Lazer iZ Essential – Laser Therapy to Stop Smoking with up to 95% success rates
Lazer iZ Essential – Less than an hour to quit smoking
Lazer iZ Essential – Laserworks has helped thousands of people quit smoking
Lazer iZ Essential – 18 years in business, coast to coast in Canada, 62 locations around the world and on Facebook
Lazer iZ Essential – We can help you, your friends and loved ones enjoy a life without Nicotine
The Facts:
- Tobacco, in the form of cigarettes, is the most addictive drug in the world
- Nicotine is one of the strongest stimulants known
- Smoking is one of the most efficient drug-delivery systems
- Smoking actually puts drugs onto the brain more directly than intravenous injection
It is true that one of the benefits of smoking is the brief relief of internal tension; unfortunately, within 20 minutes the tension is back stronger than before, demanding another fix.