The Reasons to Quit Smoking are endless — they range from looking after personal health, being a good role model for your children, saving a lot of money, and reducing environmental impact to people around you. But what are your reasons?
Here are some of the Top Quit Smoking Reasons:
Your Health
– millions of North Americans experience health problems caused by smoking. Cigarette smoke harms just about every organ in your body. Some of the more common effects include; heart disease, stroke, lung diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema, osteoporosis, and cataracts. Did you know that quitting smoking can reduce anxiety by more than a third? Smoking changes the brain. According to recent research at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, nicotine addiction caused by smoking produces long-lasting chemical changes in the brain similar to changes that take place when someone uses drugs like heroine or cocaine – more evidence of the addictive, destructive nature of nicotine.
Families Health
– There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure; even brief exposure can be harmful to health. Since 1964, approximately 2,500,000 nonsmokers have died from health problems caused by exposure to secondhand smoke.
Financial Gain
– The cost of smoking increases almost every year as governments try and recoup the added medical costs that smoking places on society. Although just the money saved on buying cigarettes will be substantial, there are the hidden costs of smoking. Smoking can affect your productivity, having to go outside every time you need to satisfy your cravings can be a huge time waster. Dental bills will increase as you try to keep your teeth white.
It’s not too late to reverse the effects of smoking.
An overwhelming amount of damage to your health can be reversed by quitting. Studies have shown that quitting at around age 30 reduces the chance of dying from smoking-related diseases by more than 90%. If you quit at around age 50, you reduce the risk of dying prematurely by 50% compared with those who continue to smoke. Even those who quit at around age 60 or older live longer than those who continue to smoke.
Not only that but you’ll experience immediate health benefits from being a nonsmoker – as quickly as 20 minutes after you quit.