Set a date

Turn a I would like to quit thought into concrete plan: choose your date to quit smoking, and stick to it. Pick a date which is within 30 days – this will give you time to prepare, but not so long you will change your mind. Pick a date with low stress – Monday is the best day.

Start your list

Start a list of all the reasons why you want to quit smoking — and be as specific as possible. You will only quit smoking if you are determined and motivated to do it, and that motivation needs to come from your self.

NRT – Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), combined with counselling, can DOUBLE your chances of success. Of course medications are not for everyone, so be sure to consult with your doctor or pharmacist first. We do not promote using a nicotine product to help break your addiction to nicotine, but this is a personal choice.

Recruit a Support Person

Peer pressure can be a powerful motivator. Choose someone (or a few people) that you trust and respect to help you quit. Have a support person may get you over that hump that otherwise may end your quest to quit smoking.

Recognise your habit

Make a note of the most common times you light up — the time, place, people you’re with, and way you are feeling. For most people, a few predictable triggers are responsible for many of their cravings. By identifying those places or events that can cause you to want to smoke, allows you to control or avoid them.

Stock up on Healthy Snacks

Chewing on healthy snacks is a great way to beat nicotine cravings, keep you mouth busy, and your mind distracted. Stock up on what works for you, and keep it close at hand.

Drink (lots of) water

It’s simple but incredibly effective. Drinking water is a great trick to beat nicotine cravings — plus you should probably be drinking more water anyway.

Start a hobby

Starting a new hobby can be an excellent way to get your mind off smoking — plus once you become smoke-free you’ll have a whole bunch of free time and lots of money on your hands!

Reward Yourself

When you’re stopping smoking, it’s important to Reward yourself for your successes. Set some goals like one week smoke-free, one month smoke-free, etc. and then have a planned Reward for attaining your Goal.

And if you fail…

Almost no one manages to quit on their first attempt… or second… or third… or sometimes even thirtieth. Quitting smoking is hard. It takes time, determination, and repeated attempts. Slips and relapses are not a sign of failure, they are part of the process. Learn from your setbacks. Don’t get discouraged and you will succeed eventually.